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OSHA's mission is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health.

EPA Office of Children's Health Protection provides a good list of children's health resources on the web.

EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs -provides resources for pesticide safety, chemical information, pesticide registration, and legislation.

Lists complete cancer health services.

Find local treatment locations. 1-800-451-2229
Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides provides pesticide fact sheets, action alerts and information on what to do in a pesticide emergency.
Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides - promotes healthy solutions to pest problems and publishes the Journal on Pesticide Reform.
Pesticide Action Network of North America - promotes healthier, more effective pest management and houses the Pesticide Action Network Pesticide Database - a database of pesticide toxicity and regulatory information. The reference section provides general information about pesticides and their health effects.
Rachel Carson Council -Serves as a clearinghouse and library with information at both scientific and layperson levels on pesticide-related issues.
Pesticide Education Center - Organization dedicated to educating workers and the general public about the health effects of pesticide exposure
Pesticide Watch and Pesticide Watch Education Fund - Sister organizations dedicated to fighting dangerous pesticide use in California communities.
For insight into the day-to-day life of a migrant farmworker's child, read The Barefoot Heart, by Elva Trevino Hart.

Locate updated cancer education material and find states that provide financial assistance.

Legal advice for cancer patients. 213-736-1455


This site includes a comprehensive listing of complete cancer services.

Find information on prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential cancer related material.

Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) MMWR 2006;55[No.RR-07].
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, MMWR 1996;45 [No. RR-13].
Once a year they provide low cost mammograms in Oklahoma. Possible source of finanacial assistance. 405-604-4642
Their low cost clinic offers a "woman's day" every three months which includes cancer screening services. 405-236-0737
Web site has list of all local health dept. 800-422-6012
This site has a list of all mammography sites and hotlines in SD. 800-738-2301