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The state of Iowa has been experiencing a large outbreak of mumps that began in December 2005 (1). The majority of cases are occurring among persons 18-25 years of age, many of whom are vaccinated. Additional cases of mumps, possibly linked to the Iowa outbreak, are also under investigation in eight neighboring states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

Fourth primer in the AMA's series Roadmaps for Clinical Practice. A collaborative endeavor between the AMA and CDC, the Roadmaps series is _intended to help physicians adapt to changes in the medical environment and integrate disease prevention and health promotion into routine clinical care.
Check this link for a provider webcast and booklet, up-to-date English and Spanish pt education materials.
provides complete, up-to-date and reliable information about vaccines to parents and healthcare professionals. Information and resources are available in English and Spanish.
Primer to help physicians improve immunization rates, especially in minority populations. The primer includes tools to help physicians ensure that patients are up-to-date with their vaccinations. Studies have shown that many individuals do not receive the vaccinations they need. Immunization gaps are seen mostly in adolescents and adults as well as with racial and ethnic minorities. Adolescent and adult immunization rates average less than 70 percent nationally. Although childhood immunization rates are very high, African American and Latino children are less likely to receive the recommended vaccinations than white children.
National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. (2002). A Report on Reaching Underserved Ethnic and Minority Populations to Improve Pediatric Immunization Rates.
The CDC-INFO Contact Center phone number is (800) 232-4636 (i.e., [800] CDC-INFO).
Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) MMWR 2006;55[No.RR-07].
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, MMWR 1996;45 [No. RR-13].
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