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Sample process for initiating a consultation or referral.
Sample policy stating that the clinic will provide consultations, referrals, or transfers to other health care professionals or settings when deemed medically necessary and/or will be considered at the patient's request.
Sample written plan for health care provider recruitment and retention
Sample written plan for health care provider recruitment and retention

The Health Center Recruitment and Retention Effectiveness Review (RRER) instrument is designed to support on-going recruitment and retention of qualified clinical staff at health centers.

Advance directive description and policy in Spanish.
Sample Clinic policy for offering and educating on advance directives to patients.

This poster was created for use by any Community Health Center wanting to increase the involvement of Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker consumers on the board of directors. The poster is designed to be customized to individual sites.

This checklist will be used to evaluate current knowledge and document on-site training during the orientee’s 3-month probation period