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An informative blog about workers' compensation, risk management, business insurance, workplace health & safety, occupational medicine, injured workers, and related topics.

Glenn Shor, Phd, MPP, Visiting Policy Analyst at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health at the UC Berkeley School of Public Health.

This report was funded, in part, by The California Wellness Foundation, for UCSF Community Occupational Health Project, Barbara Burgel, Nan Lashuay, and Robert Harrison, 2004 - 2006.

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A tool for health care providers and others to assist agricultural workers in accessing workers' compensation benefits. A Farmworker Justice/MCN resource.

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These are the slides from an MCN/ Farmworker Justice sponsored webinar titled "Caring for the Injured Worker: Effective Partnerships between Clinicians, Health Centers, and Lawyers."

Originally presented on Wednesday June 26, 2013

PRESENTERS: Brent Probinsky, JD, Probinsky and Associates, PA

Dr. Ed Zuroweste, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Migrant Clinicians Network

Caring for the Injured Worker




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California Poison Control System developed an online game that focuses on poison prevention through the use of "look-a-like" pills and candy. There are other resources on the site. The game is available as an app on itunes and in the android marketplace. Search for 'Choose your Poison.'

Part 4 of 7 webinars in the CLINICIAN ORIENTATION TO MIGRATION HEALTH series.

DATE RECORDED: May 15, 2013

PRESENTERS: Amy K. Leibman, MPA, MA, Director of Environmental and Occupational Health, Migrant Clinicians Network

Dr. Mike Rowland, MD, MPH, Vice President, Medical Affairs and Medical Director, Occupational Health, Franklin Memorial Hospital


  • Recognize the unique health risks of migrants due to their working conditions and environment
  • Identify promising practices in environmental and occupational health that are feasible to implement in Migrant and Community Health Centers
  • Utilize online clinical and patient education tools and resources to recognize, prevent and manage environmental and occupaional illnesses and injuries
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This webinar is the third in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Edward Zuroweste, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Migrant Clinicians Network

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

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The West Virginia Rural Health Research Center (WVRHRC) pursues a multi-disciplinary research effort directed to improve environmental health for rural populations. Collaborators from public health, geographic information systems, nursing, pharmacy, environmental science, health policy and other disciplines work together to conduct policy-relevant research to achieve this goal.

This webinar is the second in a series of seven in our Clinician Orientation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, March 13, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH, Specialist in Child and Migrant Health, Migrant Clinicians Network

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

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Farmworker Justice and MCN compiled state-by-state requirements for employers to provide workers compensation to agricultural workers. The document sites case law where applicable.

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This webinar is the first in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Deliana Garcia, MA, International Research and Development, Migrant Clinicians Network

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

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This web site houses a collection of information, contacts and resources to assist health practitioners in providing care to migrant farm workers. Although the primary intended audience is health care providers in Ontario, much of the information may be useful to other parties.

A preliminary total of fatal work injuries recorded in the United States. According to results from the 
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor

At Workers' Comp Hub we provide basic information for workers with job-related injuries and illnesses. We also share resources to advance pro-worker advocacy and action.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) provides for federal regulation of pesticide distribution, sale, and use. All pesticides distributed or sold in the United States must be registered (licensed) by EPA. Before EPA may register a pesticide under FIFRA, the applicant must show, among other things, that using the pesticide according to specifications "will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.''

This comprehensive manual was developed by the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health and the Migrant Clinicians Network for the diagnosis and treatment of occupational injuries in migrant and seasonal farmworkers. The information in the manual does focus on agricultural occupations in the Northeast.

Cover page of Cuidate comic

¡Cuídate! is an educational resource on the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries at work. This comic is in Spanish, English and Haitian Creole.

2-page highlight of MCN's services and programs in action during 2011 available in English and Spanish.

MCN's Year in Review 2011 is also available as the Prezi interactive presentation.

Lo Que Bien Empieza

MCN Spanish educational comic book that addresses pesticide exposure in women of reproductive age. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.

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The 2012 Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture. Awarded 2013 Paper of the year by the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH), this National Action Plan takes an updated look at preventing childhood agricultural injury and death.

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This booklet is intended to help Community Health Centers put in place an effective and efficient workers' compensation program.

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Presentations by Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center (PNASH): 


1. Age Considerations: Impacts on Pesticide Exposure and Health Outcomes

2. How to Identify the Products Your Patients are Exposed to

3. Reporting, Surveillance, Legal Aspects of Pesticide Related Illnesses

4. The Work to Home Pesticide Exposure Pathway: How to Protect Pregnant Women and Children (English and Spanish)

5. Chronic Health Effects of Pesticide Exposure

Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it.  Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.

If computers and internet access are unavailable where patient care is provided, the worker assessment sheet and clinician information grid are available in PDF.

The importance of clinical diagnostic tools and biomonitoring of exposures to pesticides as well the role of clinicians in pesticide reporting and the challenges clinicians face in accurately diagnosing patients exposed to pesticides are described in a presentation by Matthew Keifer, MD, MPH and Amy K. Liebman, MPA. Click on the link for an APHA policy resolution underscoring the need for clinical diagnostic tools and biomomitoring of exposures to pesticides. This policy supports the information outlined by in the presentation.

This is an MCN online course.  The primary objective is to ensure clinicians serving migrant and underserved communities are aware of general childhood agricultural safety and health concerns. This will be accomplished in a way that increases the clinicians’ ability to provide effective healthcare to their patients by assessing and understanding agricultural health risks.

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.

OSHA has now posted a new Heat Illness Web Page that includes educational materials in English and Spanish, including low-literacy fact sheets for workers, worksite and community posters, and a public service announcement from Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.  The Web page also includes a video from Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels (in English with a Spanish transcript).  OSHA will be posting additional materials on the Heat Illness Web page, including a lesson plan that employers can use to train their workers to stay safe in the heat and a heat index Smartphone app. 

Matthew Keifer, MD, MPH, a board certified occupational medicine specialist and internationally renowned researcher regarding pesticides and worker health, overviews the importance of recognizing and managing pesticide exposure.  To obtain free CME* credit, please complete this evaluation at the end of the webinar Sponsored by AgriSafe Network, Migrant Clinicians Network and the National Farm Medicine Center.

*Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending.