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New safety and health guidance from OSHA alerts workers and employers about the hazards of avian flu and provides practical recommendations on ways to avoid sickness.

Migrant Health Promotion is committed to strengthening the capacity of farmworker families and their communities to improve their health through collaborative peer education and advocacy.

Professional education for healthcare providers on health risks for adolescent farmworkers.

A one-stop shop created by the University of Maryland School of Nursing for nurses interested in environmental health.

Environmental Defense Fund's Scorecard offers environmental and health information on a number of issues and provides information on pollutants by zip code.
The National Environmental Education Foundation's Health & Environment Program provides environmental education and training for health professionals to improve health care and public health, with a special emphasis on protecting children and other populations disproportionately effected by environmental pollutants.
Environmental Working Group conducts research on health and the environment.
Natural Resource Defense Council offers a variety of environmental health information and useful links.

Children's Environmental Health Network Listserv - provides a forum for discussion on children's environmental health. Subscribe by sending a blank message to

National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) serves 5,000 environmental health and protection professionals.
The National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety - Organization that addresses health and safety issues of children exposed to hazards associated with agricultural work and rural environments. Offers numerous resources.
Children's Health Environmental Network (CHEC) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public, specifically parents and caregivers, about environmental toxins that affect children's health. Their website features HealtheHouse, an interactive web resource for environmental health risks children face in the home.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) conducts a number of activities to help prevent or reduce the harmful effects of exposure to hazardous substances. The agency provides toxFAQs, easy to understand fact sheets about hazardous substances and their health effects, and has toxicologists available to answer further questions and can tell you where to find occupational and environmental health clinics. ATSDR also offers a series of Case Studies in Environmental Medicine for the primary care provider.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the federal agency responsible for environmental protection.
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), based at the Center for Disease Control, conducts environment and health research and surveillance. Their interventions range from emergency response, training and education to public policy.
This site provides many links dealing with the enviornment and health.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH): Providing national and world leadership to prevent work-related illnesses and injuries

Association of Birth Defect Children - Provides information to parents and professionals about all kinds of birth defects, the environmental exposures that may cause them, and support services available to children with birth defects and their families.

OSHA's mission is to assure the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health.

EPA Office of Children's Health Protection provides a good list of children's health resources on the web.

This organization has a wide variety of information about the health effects of toxic chemicals on children. Produced Training Manual on Pediatric Environmental Health: Putting it Into Practice, and an environmental resource guide of organizations active in the field of children's environmental health

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids (FS4JK) promotes a safe farm environment to prevent health hazards, injuries, and fatalities to children and youth.

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A listing with links and ordering information to the EPA's bilingual posters, handbooks, guides, videos, CDs and other materials about pesticide safety and how to recognize and treat heat related illnesses.

Maria Fernandez, 42, of Cancun, Mexico, sits outside a shoddy trailer she shares with other workers. "Everybody around here always has headaches, coughs, running noses," she said. "It has to do with that dust on the plants from the chemicals. You are always breathing it in."

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Since many exposures come during those field applications, the risks - to farmworkers and to nearby residents who can be affected if the chemicals drift - can occur much more frequently. "You are working in one field, and the tractor passes in the next field spraying," says Epifanio, 58, a veteran Mexican farmworker who asked that his full name not be used, out of fear for his job. "The wind brings it to you. It happens to somebody around here every single day."

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Probe of ill workers cited to expose flaws, Farmworker advocates say the state mishandled a case in which 20 migrants were sickened.

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Pesticides Nearby.. but staying healthy comic

This pesticide comic book targets migrant and seasonal farmworker families to educate parents about children's risks to pesticide exposure and ways to minimize these risks. The latest edition is currently only available Spanish though we are working on releasing an updated version of the comic in English.

We are currently "sold out" of our printed pesticide comic book. We are looking for additional funding. In the meantime, please download an e-copy.

A Spanish language trifold with pesticide safety information.

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A Spanish language comic books that explains the dangers of pesticides and offers practical, less toxic approaches to pest control. Produced by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP.