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 Introductory overview of occupational health policy by Farmworker Justice.

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Apply For a BrainTrack Nursing Scholarship

In addition to being a college and university directory BrainTrack also features its own scholarship opportunity. To help nursing students currently studying to become a nurse, such as an LPN or RN, or to advance their education as a nurse via associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral degree programs, BrainTrack's Nursing Schools Scholarship offers a winning and second place award every semester. The scholarship essays submitted by entrants are designed to help others consider becoming a nurse or advancing their nursing education and career options.

A core set of information appropriate for reviewing the operation and performance of health centers.

To address the critical need for relevant information about the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) population nationwide, the Migrant Clinicians Network developed an innovative project to test a set of methodologies for collecting and analyzing MSFW data. The methods used in this project will enhance planning capability for health services by gathering up-to-date, locally specific descriptive profiles of the MSFW population eligible for health care services and provide a mechanism to determine future trends that can affect health services delivery and formulation of health care plans, staffing decisions, outreach activities, preventive care emphases, budgeting and appropriate service hours. The methodologies tested employ systems that can be self-sustaining, providing continual, timely updates at a local level where such information is most useful. The systems foster collaboration between local service providers, encouraging Migrant Health Centers (MHCs) and others who serve the MSFW population to work together to share information which can be beneficial to all.

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There has never been a better time to recruit and retain clinicians through the National Health Service Corps(NHSC). Clinicians working in NHSC‐approved sites with HPSA scores as low as zero have greater opportunities and access to funding than ever before in the history of the program.

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"The National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice was very different from any conference I have attended before. I feel privileged to have attended. I hope this summary imparts some of the passion I gained from this event to both clinicians and staff in community health centers who did not attend, and serve as catalyst for achieving a vision of health equity and justice in our health care system. Here are some highlights." Robert Moore, MD, Medical Director Clinical Ole, Napa, CA
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A complete list of questions and answers on HPV Vaccine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

FDA Alert:  Conusmers, especially pregnant or breastfeeding women, should avoid consuming a product called “Nzu”, taken as a traditional remedy for morning sickness, because of the potential health risks from high levels of lead and arsenic.

First of all, this month we offer some reminders for resources that are available to help you navigate, with your clients, between immunization requirements in the US and those from neighboring Mexico.   Second, we guide you to a link on the World Health Organization website where you can check other countries’ immunization requirements and schedules.   This may give you a starting point for understanding your migrant clients’ immunization histories. Third, we offer a sample bi-lingual parent-held pediatric vaccine record.  Remember, “the most reliable source of vaccine information on any particular individual is that individual! Contrary to popular belief, parents DO carry portable vaccination records when given them. This is particularly true for immigrant families, who are used to carrying important documents and who realize the potential of revaccination if records are unavailable to the local provider.”  Jennie McLaurin, MD Finally, in the season of giving, our gift offer to the clinics participating in Immunization Initiatives  send us the English patient-held vaccine record you use for your clients, and we will translate it into Spanish. We offer this first to the clinics participating in Immunization Initiatives, and to the first six clinics who contact us.  Email the listserv administrator to make arrangements at

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The sourcebook contains information and activities on heart disease and stroke and on the major risk factors for these diseases in adults. It also contains information on risk factors that begin in childhood. Additionally, it addresses people’s adherence to treatment and their communication with health care providers. Because the sourcebook contains some technical information, it is recommended for CHWs who already have some experience in their profession.

These guidelines are aimed at integrating environmental management of asthma into pediatric health care. Offers clinical competencies in environmental health relevant to pediatric asthma and outlines the environmental interventions to communicate to patients.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to spacing between the two doses of 2009 H1N1 vaccine for children 6 months through 9 years of age and for administration of 2009 H1N1 vaccine with seasonal influenza and other vaccines.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to spacing between the two doses of 2009 H1N1 Vaccine for children 6 months through 9 years of age.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to administration of 2009 H1N1 vaccine with seasonal influenza and other vaccines.

Continuing education course developed by the Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program, California Department of Public Health.  Can view it for information or can register for credits.

This hour long webcast features Jennie McLaurin, MD, MPH – a former medical director of a migrant and community health center and a pediatrician with over 20 years of practice serving farmworker and immigrant populations.


First do no harm : Protect patients by making sure all staff receive yearly influenza vaccine!

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Our members enjoy professional support, educational programs, and numerous opportunities for participation in association decision making. With your support, we can carry out our mission to advance the art and science of dental hygiene, and to promote the highest standards of education and practice in the profession.

An interactive lead case study by Susan Buchanan, MD, Linda Forst, MD, MPH, and Anne Evens, MS.

The Lancet's H1N1 Resource Center is a collaborative effort by the editors of over 40 Elsevier-published journals and 11 learned societies who have agreed to make freely available on this site any relevant content. All papers have been selected by a Lancet editor, grouped by topic and fulltext pdfs made available to download free of charge.
Charles W. Schmidt, Swine CAFOs & Novel H1N1 Flu: Separating Facts from Fears, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 117, Number 9, September 2009