Witness to Witness's campaign, "Words Matter: The Impact of Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric and Policies on Clinicians and Patients," included a three-part webinar series. This series offered numerous resources including information and data on the health consequences of anti-immigrant rhetoric; clinical implications of immigration-related Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); and strategies to support immigrant mental health. This document brings together all the resources and recommended websites from the three-part series. In English.
This comic book in English and Spanish conveys basic information on respiratory health and air pollution. It reviews the respiratory system, particulate matter and sources of air pollution. It also talks about ways workers and their families can protect themselves.
- Clear-the-Air-Protect-Your-Health-From-Bad-Air_5-22-24_Digital.pdf (3.08 MB)
- Clear-the-Air_Comic_5-22-24_Template.pdf (21.78 MB)
- Nadie-sabe-que-respira-hasta-que-la-falta-el-aire_5-22-24_Digital.pdf (3.1 MB)
- Nadie-sabe-que-respira_5-22-24_Comic+Logo.pdf (21.94 MB)
Migrant Clinicians Network spoke with Jeff Bender, DVM, MS, DACVPM, about the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in dairies and what clinicians need to know. View some of the key moments of that interview here:
- Avian-Flu-and-Your-Safety-Guidance-for-Dairy-Workers_2024-5-14.pdf (1.11 MB)
- La-gripe-aviar-y-tu-seguridad-Guia-para-trabajadores-de-lecherias_2024-5-14.pdf (1.11 MB)
- Avian-Flu-and-Your-Safety-Guidance-for-Dairy-Workers_2024-5-14.png (455.92 KB)
- La-gripe-aviar-y-tu-seguridad-Guia-para-trabajadores-de-lecherias_2024-5-14.png (456.92 KB)
Adults Get Vaccinated Too is an educational tool in the form of a comic book for health educators who work with the community and who need to provide information about vaccinations, when and where they are administered, and the symptoms that characterize the diseases they prevent.
Through a conversation between farmworkers in the field, this colorful and easy-to-understand comic book helps its readers to learn, in a simple and natural way, the importance of getting vaccinated and boosting their vaccines during their adulthood to prevent diseases such as hepatitis B, meningitis, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and COVID-19.
- Adults Get Vaccinated Too-Comic_2024-3-7_Digital.pdf (4.53 MB)
- Adults Get Vaccinated Too-Comic_2024-3-7_Print.pdf (45.12 MB)
- Adults-Get-Vaccinated-Too_Comic_2024-5-9_Template.pdf (44.37 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-3-7_Digital.pdf (4.1 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-3-7_Imprimir.pdf (49.42 MB)
- Los-grandes-tambien-se-vacunan_Comic_2024-5-9_Plantilla.pdf (47.83 MB)
La diabetes es una condición de salud común pero complicada que enfrentan los trabajadores agrícolas. Para ayudarles a conocer sobre esta enfermedad, Migrant Clinicians Network se asoció con Salvador Sáenz (artista profesional y coloborador) para crear "Mi salud es mi tesoro: una guía para vivir bien con diabetes". Este libro cómico en español explora el tema a través de la historia de un trabajador agrícola, quien recientemente fue diagnosticado con diabetes.
COVID-19 and Our Community: Better Safe Than Sorry! is an educational material to support the work of community health workers on COVID-19 and its prevention. It is complemented by a guide with concrete suggestions on how to use the flipchart and links to resources for those who want to delve deeper into the subject and investigate if there are any changes in the information.
The flipchart includes basic concepts of COVID-19, prevention and vaccination in the form of clear and simple messages that are supported by culturally appropriate illustrations to facilitate the process of communicating and transmitting information to community members. You can download these resources for free in both English and Spanish.
- 2023-3-24_Opioids-patient-resource.pdf (1.76 MB)
- 2023-3-24_Opioides-recurso-paciente.pdf (1.76 MB)
- Juego Ready 2 Help Guia.pdf (5.76 MB)
- Juego Ready 2 Help.pdf (1.09 MB)
- Preparate con Pedro - comic.pdf (6.21 MB)
- 12 formas de prepararse.pdf (288.86 KB)
- Documente y asegure su propiedad.pdf (1.35 MB)
- Plan de comunicacion familiar ninos.pdf (1.56 MB)
- Plan de comunicacion familiar padres completo.pdf (966.72 KB)
- Plan de comunicacion familiar padres.pdf (265.43 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Info1-La vuelta al mundo_0.pdf (246.73 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Info2-Personalidad_0.pdf (148.16 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Info3-Leyes y costumbres_0.pdf (124.07 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Info4-En la practica_0.pdf (147.93 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Info5-Comic_0.pdf (248.47 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Lluvia de ideas_0.pdf (77.55 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Organizador grafico_0.pdf (79.69 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Quiz_0.pdf (128.38 KB)
- Contaminacion del agua-Vocabulario_0.pdf (75.77 KB)
Among the many obligations health care providers have to their patients, their families and life in general, they forget to put themselves on the priority list. This comic book dedicated to health care providers reminds them how important it is to take care of themselves to meet the needs of their patients and families. It also offers simple self-care steps to improve overall wellness.
- 2022-9-6_Viruela-del-mono-Prevencion+Recomendaciones_imagen.png (193.95 KB)
- 2023-1-26_What-is-Mpox_Handout.pdf (1.26 MB)
- 2023-1-26_What-is-Mpox_Image.png (207.81 KB)
- 2023-1-26_Mpox-Prevention-and-Recommendations_Handout.pdf (1.11 MB)
- 2023-1-26_Mpox-Prevention-and-Recommendations_Image.png (194.02 KB)
- 2023-1-26_Que-es-Mpox.pdf (1.26 MB)
- 2023-1-26_Que-es-Mpox_Imagen.png (223.59 KB)
- 2023-1-26_Mpox-Prevencion-y-Recomendaciones.pdf (1.11 MB)
- 2023-1-26_Mpox-Prevencion-y-Recomendaciones_Imagen.png (197.04 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for men of various ages. The illustrations promote vaccination, and text can be inserted into the white thought bubbles.
- ManInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage.png (99.89 KB)
- ManInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage COLOR2.png (76.54 KB)
- ManInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage COLOR1.png (73.73 KB)
- ManInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImageELDER2.png (81.82 KB)
- ManInBlueShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage_0.png (95.61 KB)
- ManInBlueShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage_0ELDER1.png (91.85 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict a healthcare worker and woman discussing vaccines and money. The images have empty speech bubbles that can be edited to include text.
- Money_comic_With_BubblesElder lady.png (50.73 KB)
- Money_comic_With_Bubbles.png (41.11 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict a healthcare worker and patient discussing the myth of microchips in vaccines. Some of the images include empty speech bubbles that can be edited to include text. These images can be used to help address vaccine myths regarding microchips in vaccines.
- WomanElderAndManDiscussingHesitanciesAndMyths.png (70.83 KB)
- WomanGirlAndManDiscussingHesitanciesAndMyths.png (71.02 KB)
- WomanAndManDiscussingHesitanciesAndMyths.png (68.49 KB)
- Chip_And_Vaccine_Comic_With_Bubbles Elder lady.png (40.62 KB)
- Chip_And_Vaccine_Comic_With_Bubbles COLOR2.png (52.09 KB)
- Chip_And_Vaccine_Comic_With_Bubbles COLOR1.png (41.23 KB)
- Chip_And_Vaccine_Comic_With_Bubbles.PNG (42.2 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations depict two people standing six feet apart while wearing masks. The images can be used to promote social distancing and practices to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.
- VaccinatedManAndWomanSocialDistancingAndWearingMasksComicImage.png (49.87 KB)
- VaccinatedManAndWomanSocialDistancingAndWearingMasksComicImageCOLOR1.png (45.94 KB)
- VaccinatedManAndWomanSocialDistancingAndWearingMasksComicImageCOLOR2.png (44.69 KB)
- VaccinatedCHILDAndWOMANSocialDistancingAndWearingMasksComicImageCOLOR2.png (55.78 KB)
- VaccinatedCHILDAndGIRLSocialDistancingAndWearingMasksComicImageCOLOR2.png (65.55 KB)
The following image can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Its purpose is to promote vaccination.
- PeopleAroundTheWorld_0.png (115.45 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. It depicts three people with band-aid symbols on their clothing to represent vaccination.
- ThreeVaccinatedPeopleComicImageCOLOR1.png (93.75 KB)
- ThreeVaccinatedPeopleComicImage.png (111.09 KB)
The following image can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Its purpose is to promote vaccination and communicate its safety. Text can be inserted into the white speech bubbles to explain that vaccinations are not harmful to human DNA.
- VaccineAndDNAComicImage.png (78.51 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. Their purpose is to promote the scheduling of vaccination appointments.
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for women of various ages. The illustrations promote vaccination, and text can be inserted into the white thought bubbles.
- WomanInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage.png (82.39 KB)
- WomanElderInGreenShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage.png (87.57 KB)
- WomanInBlueShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage_0.png (85.85 KB)
- WomanElderInBlueShirtSittingAtTableReadingNewspaperComicImage_0.png (89.53 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote safe vaccinations for pregnant and nursing women. Both color and printer-friendly options are available.
- PregnantVaccinatedWoman Green transp Backg.png (189.8 KB)
- PregnantVaccinatedWoman GreenSoft face_0.png (417.88 KB)
- PregnantVaccinatedWoman GreenSoft faceTransBackground.png (364.37 KB)
- PregnantWoman BlueSoftace.png (370.49 KB)
- Nursing Mom Vaccinated.png (627.7 KB)
- Nursing Mom VaccinatedAfricanamerican.png (773.6 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Vaccinated.png (177.32 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Vaccinated_2.png (231.78 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant.png (159.92 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_2.png (196.21 KB)
- Woman-Breastfeeding_Vaccinated_2.png (273.06 KB)
- Woman-Breastfeeding_Vaccinated.png (432.99 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Questions-Vaccination_2.png (232.64 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Questions-Vaccination_3.png (289.42 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Questions-Vaccination.png (201.22 KB)
- Woman-Pregnant_Questions-Vaccination_4.png (256.47 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for elders. Both color and printer-friendly options are available.
- 60 woman vaccinated.png (455.06 KB)
- Elder_Vaccinated.png (209.59 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for teenagers. Both color and printer-friendly options are available.
- 18 woman vaccinated.png (365.05 KB)
- Teen-Girl_Vaccinated.png (264.31 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for children and families. Both color and printer-friendly options are available.
- Momand Child vaccine BlueTranspBackgr.png (203.84 KB)
- Momand Child vaccine Blue.png (262.32 KB)
- Momand Child vaccine Latin Question.png (276.95 KB)
- Momand Child vaccineLatin.png (224.87 KB)
- Mother+Child_Vaccination_2.png (313.04 KB)
- Mother+Child_Questions-Vaccination_2.png (430.61 KB)
- Mother+Child_Vaccination.png (240.75 KB)
- Mother+Child_Questions-Vaccination.png (304.64 KB)
The following images can be used for social media posts or other purposes. The illustrations promote vaccination for children. Both color and printer-friendly options are available.
- ThreeVaccinatedKids.png (269.11 KB)
- Vaccinated GIRL 1.png (101.88 KB)
- Vaccinated GIRL 2.png (105.59 KB)
- Vaccinated BOY 3.png (94.62 KB)
- Child-Girl-2_Vaccinated.png (109.33 KB)
- Child-Girl-1_Vaccinated.png (104.57 KB)
- Child-Boy_Vaccinated.png (106.69 KB)