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The CDC Division of STD Prevention developed online STD education modules for clinicians. The Self Study STD Modules for Clinicians offers free CME, CNE, and CEU for each of seven STD topics: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), vaginitis, herpes simplex virus (HSV) and human papillomavirus (HPV). Each module covers epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and partner services information along with an interactive case study.

This research study showed that immigration status was strongly associated with increased breastfeeding initiation, implying that cultural factors are important in the decision to breastfeed.

Not having health insurance - or being "underinsured" and not having enough health insurance - can be a frightening and worrisome experience. But there are many options you can explore to get the coverage and care you need, including free- and low-cost prescription drug assistance as well as free- and low-cost health checkups and screening programs.

The RWHP, founded in 1992, develops community-based educational materials. independently as well as in collaboration with other grass-roots organizations. Their projects focus on the health issues of rural women and their families, with a special emphasis on the challenges faced by Spanish-speaking farmworking families.

California's Pregnancy and Diabetes program has a number of  resources on preganacy, nutrition and diabetes. Available in Spanish and English.

Low literacy English and Spanish handouts on pregnancy and infant care.
Lots of great materials and more in Spanish all the time. Pamphlets, posters, flip charts, models, etc.
Published transcultural perinatal education curriculum.

Free video called “Lo Mejor Para Su Bebe”, which covers infant care and breastfeeding.

A wide array of materials at various literacy levels and almost everything in Spanish. Pamphlets, videos, "Comenzando Bien" curriculum.

The CDC's Spanish website for women's health. Includes handouts in Spanish that can be printed from the web.

Comfort Measures for Childbirth: The Rebozo Way--video and book. Bienvenido a la Vida: 3 Spanish Birth Stories--video about labor and birth

Please give your HIV- or HCV-infected patients copies of the educational pieces below to help them stay informed about the vaccines they need.
Download Resource

Alliance for Healthy Homes - a public interest organization with excellent resources on lead poisoning and prevention including community tool kits.

Yes! A cornerstone of the Collaboratives is measurement. The over 65,000 patients are enrolled in a national registry, and have outcomes tracked on a regular basis. We can say with confidence that care and outcomes are improving: self-management, specialty referrals, medication access, and indicators such as HgbA1c are all better for enrolled patients than for pre-enrollment data. Patients with diabetes enrolled in the Collaborative are actually healthier than their white insured counterparts in the private sector! (Bodenheimer, T, MD; Lorig,K RN, DrPH; Holman, H, MD; and Grumbach, K, MD: “Patient Self-Management of Chronic Disease in Primary Care”: JAMA. 2002;288:2469-2475)

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The National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) is an employment-based, random survey of the demographic, employment, and health characteristics of the U.S. crop labor force. The information is obtained directly from farm workers through face-to-face interviews. Since 1988, when the survey began, over 53,000 workers have been interviewed.  The survey is funded by the United States Department of Labor. 

Environmental Health Perspectives (May 2006)offers a mini monograph of farmworker pesticide exposure. Link to six papers now availalbe on-line.