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Photonovelas in English and Spanish. Produced by the North Carolina Farmworker Project.

The Lancet's H1N1 Resource Center is a collaborative effort by the editors of over 40 Elsevier-published journals and 11 learned societies who have agreed to make freely available on this site any relevant content. All papers have been selected by a Lancet editor, grouped by topic and fulltext pdfs made available to download free of charge.
Charles W. Schmidt, Swine CAFOs & Novel H1N1 Flu: Separating Facts from Fears, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 117, Number 9, September 2009

A broken system leaves immigrant workers invisible -- and in danger. High Country News, 8/2009

In July of 2005, MCN conducted a focus group with migrant women in a new receiving community on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to help understand their experiences regarding immunization.

The focus group was held at the one of the participant’s home, an established immigrant household. The town house apartment located in a growing immigrant neighborhood offered a comfortable, safe and trusting environment for the group’s participants.

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The following report summarizes research conducted by the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) in the summer of 2008. The report is an effort to identify state programs that address the immunization needs of adults and migrant and seasonal farmworkers across the country.

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Spanish brochure to help workers prevent taking lead into their homes from the CA Dept. Public Health, Occupational Health Branch - The Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

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Do You Cook with Traditional Pottery? It May Contain Lead!

Bilingual flyer from the CA Department of Public Health.

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An expert panel review of the scientific literature on lead and health - Environmental Health Perspective, March 2007

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A resource from SAGE in English and Spanish. A reminder to wash hands to prevent sickness from spreading. Prints legal size.

A resource from SAGE in English and Spanish. A reminder to cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze to prevent sickness from spreading. Prints legal size.

Sage Words developed a pandemic flu brochure specifically for a small clinic on the Navajo Reservation. Though the illustrations are targeted towards this population, it is available in English and Spanish, and the information is general. It includes preventative measures, and is for low-literacy users. It’s designed to be easily photocopied or printed from computers and is available to anyone who might find it appropriate to use.

The CA Department of Pesticide Regulation provides videos in Mixteco about pesticide safety. Contact Charlene Martens to get copies or more information: (916) 445-4261

Residential lead (Pb) contamination, resulting from decades-long use of leaded gasoline and lead-based paint, is likely to be present in soils in most urban areas. A screening level sampling effort demonstrated that Lubbock, Texas, USA, like other cities of its age and size, has areas of elevated soil Pb.

This digital archive features a number of recordings and texts in the indigenous languages of Latin America. Materials are available in Mixteco, Mam, Nahuatl, Otomi, Triqui, Zapoteco, and many other indigenous languages. These materials give information about the cultures of these indigenous groups. Original works of literature in indigenous languages are also published on this site. AILLA works to preserve written forms of these languages, but it also collects grammars, dictionaries, ethnographies, and research notes that can be used as teaching materials. Most of the archive is free and available to the public.

Just as adults spend most of their days at work, children spend many of their waking hours at school. So it’s not surprising that, along with their homes and communities, schools are where kids learn good habits, like being physically active every day, or potentially bad habits, like not making healthy decisions at lunch. Therefore, as we seek to help nurture the healthiest nation in one generation, schools are a central part of the strategy.

This site contains patient education resources for a number of oral health issues. These resources are available in English, Spanish, Hmong, Chinese, Russian and Vietnamese.

The World Health Organization (WHO) “World Oral Health Report 2003” emphasized that despite great improvements in the oral health status of populations across the world, problems persist. As knowledge is a major vehicle for improving the health of the poor in particular, the WHO Oral Health Programme focuses on stimulating oral health esearch in the developed and developing world to reduce risk factors and the burden of oral disease, and to improve oral health ystems and the effectiveness of community oral health programmes.

For more information in Spanish on oral health and the benefits of fluoride, visit CDC's Web site.

Describes the adverse health effects of lead in workers with blood-lead levels of 5-10 ug/dL and recommend changing OSHA’s medical removal trigger of 60 ug/dL. 

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Founded by singer/songwriter Paul Simon and pediatrician/child advocate Irwin Redlener, MD in 1987, The Children's Health Fund (CHF) works nationally to develop health care programs for the nation's most medically underserved population - homeless and disadvantaged children. CHF brings medical care and essential services directly to underserved children in rural and urban communities via Mobile Medical clinics (doctor's offices on wheels) and fixed site clinics. Moreover, CHF has become a major national advocacy voice on behalf of all children, and has inspired special federal legislation designed to help create innovative Children's Health Projects throughout the United States. The Children's Health Fund's website contains a lot of useful information, which would undoubtedly benefit your audience. 

Link to APHA's Get Ready Campaign website with comprehensive information regarding potential influenza pandemic including several useful full-color brochures/handouts and other free materials.

Use these free materials from APHA to help Americans prepare themselves, their families and their communities for all public health hazards they may face, including disasters, pandemic flu or other emerging infectious diseases. Share them with those you care about, or pass them out in your community!

Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness (IS-22) is FEMA’s most comprehensive source on individual, family, and community preparedness.

 Are You Ready? provides a step-by-step approach to disaster preparedness by walking the reader through how to get informed about local emergency plans, how to identify hazards that affect their local area, and how to develop and maintain an emergency communications plan and disaster supplies kit. Other topics covered include evacuation, emergency public shelters, animals in disaster, and information specific to people with disabilities.

Are You Ready? also provides in-depth information on specific hazards including what to do before, during, and after each hazard type.


An Overview of Drinking Water Quality and Water and Sanitation-Related Disease by James VanDerslice, Ph.D. and Amy K. Liebman, MPA. The information for this article comes from presentations Jim VanDerslice made at recent MCN environmental health intensivesand an outreach program that both authors developed and implemented along the US-Mexico Border.

Also in this issue: Newsflashes, TB Education and Training Network and TB-Educate Listserv, Pizcando Suenos/Harvesting Dreams: The Voices of Mexican American Women.For more Streamline articles visit

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The US Department of Health and Human Services has published the Community Health Status Indicators Report, which contains health indicator data on over 200 measures for every county in the United States.

This site is presented as a free medical Spanish immersion, with vocabulary including greetings, history, examination, and everyday speech, all with translation and audio. It is designed to be helpful for a variety of medical personnel. In addition to introducing Spanish medical terms, this site will hopefully improve fluency and even cultural competency.

Each dialogue consists of a few statements from the patient, the patient's family, and healthcare providers. Click to hear my voice and pronunciation. Then, repeat aloud everything you hear. When listening to Spanish medical phrases, feel free to use the pause button, and, of course, replay the recordings when needed.

There is convincing evidence that breastfeeding provides substantial health benefits for children and adequate evidence that breastfeeding provides moderate health benefits for women. This link provides a summary of the 2008 recommendation of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling to promote breastfeeding.

This paper reviews the available research on HIV/AIDS in the farmworker community, supplemented with relevant findings from research with related populations, i.e., Latino, rural, migrant. The research reported in this paper focuses on behavioral, social and cultural, and structural risk factors that affect this community, as well as on ways that health care providers can help reduce HIV/AIDS risk within this highly vulnerable group.
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