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Legal advice for cancer patients. 213-736-1455

Families/Familias Saludables: 8 week curricula focusing on prevention of domestic violence 831-722-4532
HAPA- Hombres Autoresponsables para Parar el Abuso: Small group intervention for abusers consisting of 24 weekly group sessions. 541-386-4880

The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing.

Sequella is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on commercializing improved treatment paradigms for diseases of epidemic potential.

Legal Momentum advances the rights of women and girls by using the power of the law and creating innovative public policy.

  • 202-544-4470
  • LDEF Helpline: 212-925-6635

A nonprofit, community-based legal and social service agency serving the low-income Latino and foreign-born community in the D.C. metropolitan area. 202-387-2870

Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) MMWR 2006;55[No.RR-07].
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics, MMWR 1996;45 [No. RR-13].

Yes! A cornerstone of the Collaboratives is measurement. The over 65,000 patients are enrolled in a national registry, and have outcomes tracked on a regular basis. We can say with confidence that care and outcomes are improving: self-management, specialty referrals, medication access, and indicators such as HgbA1c are all better for enrolled patients than for pre-enrollment data. Patients with diabetes enrolled in the Collaborative are actually healthier than their white insured counterparts in the private sector! (Bodenheimer, T, MD; Lorig,K RN, DrPH; Holman, H, MD; and Grumbach, K, MD: “Patient Self-Management of Chronic Disease in Primary Care”: JAMA. 2002;288:2469-2475)

Their low cost clinic offers a "woman's day" every three months which includes cancer screening services. 405-236-0737
Web site has list of all local health dept. 800-422-6012
This site has a list of all mammography sites and hotlines in SD. 800-738-2301
This site has a list of screening locations in Utah. 800-717-1811
This site has list and map of screening facilities by county in Virginia. 804-786-3406