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La Vida Mia portrays the life of a Latina agricultural worker who is experiencing domestic violence in her personal life.  The video depicts the reality that abuse victims face and the effect the abuse has on their life.  Warning, this video may contain graphic scenarios as it displays abusive situations.  

This photonovella accompanies the video "La Vida Mia"

Please contact Adrian Velasquez, Family Violence Initiative Coordinator at MCN if you would like to receive a DVD version of this educational video.

Unlike providers of many other federally-funded services and benefits, Health Centers are permitted to serve undocumented patients, and are not required to ask about a patient’s immigration status. Migrant Health Centers need to ensure that their policies protect patient privacy while complying with applicable laws on collection and disclosure of patient information.

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Includes process and questionnaire
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Chart Review Form for quality assurance
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Chart review for individual providers.
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Behavioral Health Peer Review Quality Improvement Audit

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The purpose of the Peer Review policy is to ensure the delivery of appropriate, high quality clinical care to every patient.

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Includes documentation needed and process for chart audits.
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Includes the documentation needed and process for chart audits.
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Includes management, procedures, and comlpiance.
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Includes procedures and documentation.
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Asthma Action Plan for Adults and Children. An asthma action plan completion/instructions form is also included.

Three printable brochures on Asthma, Lead and Pesticides produced by Farmworker Justice. 

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A one-page patient education handout that simply discusses self-management goal setting.
A self management tool to help patients manage their own asthma.
This chart shows which vaccinations you should have to protect your health.
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This flyer gives what to do and not do while traveling. Created by Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program Funding provided by the Diabetes Program, Texas Department of Health. Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes oral health for the diabetic.  It is in English and Spanish. 

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This flyer explains diabetes and kidney disease.  Available in Spanish and English.

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This flyer describes depression and the steps to health living.  Available in Spanish and English. 

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To provide the RN with guidelines to assure that the basic elements of diabetes management are taught to patients with diabetes.

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Purpose and instructions along with the actual incident report form.

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To promote the improvement in the quality of the assessment and care of patients, enhance the appropriate utilization of health care services, and to enhance the value of health care services.
A HRSA publication that looks at the basic elements of a Continuous Quality Improvement with a specific focus on HIV care.
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Are You Ready? provides a step-by-step approach to disaster preparedness by walking the reader through how to get informed about local emergency plans, how to identify hazards that affect their local area, and how to develop and maintain an emergency communications plan and disaster supplies kit. Other topics covered include evacuation, emergency public shelters, animals in disaster, and information specific to people with disabilities.

Are You Ready? also provides in-depth information on specific hazards including what to do before, during, and after each hazard type.

This link takes you directly to the full PDF document.

Use the link below to access MCN's Rapid Assessment Tool to help adolescent farmworkers identify agricultural tasks they perform in agriculture and facilitate clinician understanding about the health risks associated with it.  Youth worker images are adapted and reproduced with permission from the National Children Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety. Images copyrighted through Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin.

If computers and internet access are unavailable where patient care is provided, the worker assessment sheet and clinician information grid are available in PDF.

HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. These illnesses and deaths are preventable.

OSHA has now posted a new Heat Illness Web Page that includes educational materials in English and Spanish, including low-literacy fact sheets for workers, worksite and community posters, and a public service announcement from Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.  The Web page also includes a video from Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels (in English with a Spanish transcript).  OSHA will be posting additional materials on the Heat Illness Web page, including a lesson plan that employers can use to train their workers to stay safe in the heat and a heat index Smartphone app. 

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that occurs in the lungs. In addition to affecting the lungs, it can also result in complications that affect the heart and the abdomen. Every year, there are as many as 3,000 people diagnosed with mesothelioma. Men are four times more likely than women to be diagnosed with mesothelioma, and with the exception of benign mesothelioma all forms of the disease are terminal