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The resources listed below are available from the National Immigration Law Center’s website, Each of them is subject to being updated or otherwise revised as new developments warrant. The documents available from the links provided here may be downloaded by individual readers and either printed out or viewed electronically, but electronic copies of the documents MAY NOT BE UPLOADED TO ANY WEBSITE other than NILC’s.

These resources from the Health Insurance Marketplace can be used to help direct clients to information about the Affordable Care Act.

This resource summarizes key points to bring up with your patients who have questions about ACA.

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This resource from the Health Insurance Marketplace and the Health Services and Resources Administration provides a concise summary of key points that clinicians need to know about ACA.

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Families Talking Together (FTT) is an evidence based program designed to help Latino parents better communicate with their children and teens about healthy relationships, sex, contraceptive use, and preventing pregnancy.  Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, the creator of the program and co-director of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health at New York University’s Silver School of Social work, along with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and Visión y Compromiso, recently enlisted 25 promotores (community health workers) from three communities in California with high rates of teen pregnancy and high percentages of Latinos in an effort to help Latino parents address teen pregnancy. Over a four-day period, the 25 promotores were trained to deliver the FTT intervention.  In the next two months, the promotores will deliver the intervention to 250 families in California.  The National Campaign wishes to recognize and thank Dr. Guilamo-Ramos, PPLA, and Visión y Compromiso for their work on this innovative and important project. 

The FTT intervention—both the community health worker curriculum and parent materials---are available online, free of charge.  

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A report prepared by researchers at The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services features a wealth of information on occupational health and safety and the migrant population, from farmworkers to fast-food chain employees to restaurant cooks and servers.

News release:

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Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.

Provided by Farmworker Justice 

Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.


Provided by Farmworker Justice

Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable. 

Provided by Farmworker Justice

Two high-production value, Spanish radio public service announcements(PSAs) to promote HIV testing services at local agencies. One PSA targets men and the other women. Each PSA features a blank space for you to record your organization’s contact information. Provided by Farmworker Justice

This webinar is the sixth in a series of seven in our Clinician Orienatation to Migration Health.

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, July 17, 2013
PRESENTED BY: Candace Kugel, FNP, CNM, Specialist in Clinical Systems & Women's Health and Melissa Bailey, Executive Director of North Carolina Field, Inc.

To view the recorded version of this webinar, click here.

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In August of 2005, the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch (OEEB) was notified that three women who had worked on farms in North Carolina owned by Ag-Mart had delivered infants with birth defects.  All three births took place in Florida where the women also worked on Ag-Mart farms and lived near each other.  This report summarizes the OEEB’s investigation and assessment of the pesticide exposures likely experienced by these women while in North Carolina. 

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The Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit provides community health workers with tools to inform people with diabetes about diabetic eye disease and maintaining healthy vision. The toolkit has a flipchart that is easy to use in community settings and can be incorporated into existing diabetes classes or information sessions. It is available in English andSpanish.

California Poison Control System developed an online game that focuses on poison prevention through the use of "look-a-like" pills and candy. There are other resources on the site. The game is available as an app on itunes and in the android marketplace. Search for 'Choose your Poison.'

This website and training material were developed to give communities and promotores ways to help farm workers learn how to protect themselves from pesticide exposure.

The project and all materials on the website were developed by the California Poison Control System in collaboration with the the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California, Davis and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.

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CDC’s US-Mexico Unit (USMU) works to prevent the spread of infectious disease across borders and improve and promote the health of travelers, migrants, and other mobile border and binational populations. USMU’s main activities include collaborating on the US-Mexico Binational Technical Working Group, overseeing the operation of the Binational Border Infectious Disease Surveillance Program (BIDS), migrant health and binational tuberculosis programs, and international regulatory responsibilities. Their website on US-Mexico health provides a brief overview of the public health issues unique to the border region, our key partners, the guidelines for cooperation, and a resources page complete with health education/communication resources and publications.

To learn more, please visit and check back for updates and a Spanish mirror site which should launch this summer.

The West Virginia Rural Health Research Center (WVRHRC) pursues a multi-disciplinary research effort directed to improve environmental health for rural populations. Collaborators from public health, geographic information systems, nursing, pharmacy, environmental science, health policy and other disciplines work together to conduct policy-relevant research to achieve this goal.

Family Psychosocial Screening also assesses a number of other risk factors for developmental and behavior problems. These include frequent household moves, single parenting, three or more children in the home, less than a high school education, and unemployment. Four or more such risk factors including mental health problems and an authoritarian parenting style (observed when parents use commands excessively or are negative and less than responsive to child initiated interests) is associated with a substantial drop in children's intelligence and subsequent school achievement . In such cases, children should also be referred for early stimulation programs such as Head Start or a quality day care or preschool program. 

PCMH Standard 2, Element C: Comprehensive Health Assessment, Factor 2: Practice conducts and documents a health assessment including family, social, cultural characteristics.

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This web site houses a collection of information, contacts and resources to assist health practitioners in providing care to migrant farm workers. Although the primary intended audience is health care providers in Ontario, much of the information may be useful to other parties.

A preliminary total of fatal work injuries recorded in the United States. According to results from the 
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor

At Workers' Comp Hub we provide basic information for workers with job-related injuries and illnesses. We also share resources to advance pro-worker advocacy and action.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) provides for federal regulation of pesticide distribution, sale, and use. All pesticides distributed or sold in the United States must be registered (licensed) by EPA. Before EPA may register a pesticide under FIFRA, the applicant must show, among other things, that using the pesticide according to specifications "will not generally cause unreasonable adverse effects on the environment.''

Haz-Map® is an occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the adverse effects of workplace exposures to chemical and biological agents. The main links in Haz-Map are between chemicals and occupational diseases. These links have been established using current scientific evidence.

Emergency Medical and Field Fumigation Guides for Methyl Bromide, Methylisothiocyanate (MITC), Chloropicrin, and Metam Sodium/Metam Potassium.

Physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, paramedics and other health care professionals often encounter work-related health and safety issues as they care for their patients. The Clinicians' webpage provides information, resources and links to help clinicians navigate OSHA's website and provide care for workers. Topics on the webpage include evaluating occupational exposures, OSHA requirements for recordkeeping and medical records, and setting up a safe outpatient office.

The California Healthcare News regularly posts jobs around the state. Check back frequently for updated information.