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Five on Friday: Understanding Long COVID

Five on Friday: Understanding Long COVID

COVID-19 data keep pouring in. So, our understanding of the virus and its variants continues to grow. And, of course, policies and recommendations shift as we get to know this terrible virus. Frankly, many outside of the health field are confused and exhausted by the changes in recommendations and the ongoing flow of new information, some of which seems contradictory. (Many inside the health field are, too!) So, once again, our Five on Friday is heavy on the COVID news as we work to keep up.


The COVID-19 Virus

Kaethe shared a new Lancet editorial that centers on the symptoms so-called “long COVID” are experiencing one year after their COVID-19 infections. Understanding Long COVID: A Modern Medical Challenge

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A woman receives the COVID-19 vaccine

Del forwarded a complementing CNN article: Being Fully Vaccinated Reduces Odds of Long COVID-19 By Half, UK Study Suggests

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Doctor receives vaccination

What about vaccine mandates? Del also offered up an NPR radio spot featuring Lawrence Gostlin: The US Has a Long Precedent for Vaccine Mandates


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A person with ivermectin bottle

Amy shared this Washington Post article that helps contextualize the recent interest in Ivermectin in curing COVID-19, despite the medical consensus that there is insufficient evidence: Why Vaccine Skeptics Are All In on Ivermectin

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A person waving a LGBTQ flag

Weekly Win: Shall we move to a non-COVID-related piece? Robert shared this New York Times piece celebrating Casa de Luz, a small shelter in Tijuana: Where LGBTQ Migrants Find the True Meaning of Shelter




Have a safe and healthy weekend!


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