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Five on Friday: Administration Moves to Protect Workers from Heat

Five on Friday: Administration Moves to Protect Workers from Heat

Friday is here again – time to have a look into MCN staff inboxes with this week’s edition of Five on Friday. Got news or resources to share? We love to hear about them. Share with us on Facebook or Twitter.


Global survey results

Alma G. offered this useful new website which maps out data from a global survey of knowledge, attitudes and practices around COVID-19:

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Results of study

Kaethe shared a new KFF article: Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Impacts and Vaccinations for Children

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A photo of people gathering

Two articles were shared this week regarding the deportation of Haitian asylum seekers in Texas. Claire sent the article, ‘Not the Same’: Residents of Del Rio Feel the Impact of the Migrant Crisis, and a few days later, Kaethe added, US Special Envoy To Haiti Quits Over Deportations Of Haitian Migrants


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Farmworkers in the field

Candace shared an article on California farmworkers: Study: Farmworkers at 4 times risk of COVID-19

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Farmworkers in the field

Weekly Win: We’ve got a long way to go to implementation of a federal heat standard, but Amy shared the exciting news from the White House: FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Mobilizes to Protect Workers and Communities from Extreme Heat




Have a safe and healthy weekend!


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