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Five on Friday: Community Health Centers Essential to Vaccination Efforts

Five on Friday: Community Health Centers Essential to Vaccination Efforts

Welcome back to Five on Friday! It can be a challenge to select just five pieces to highlight each week. Here are some of the articles that we bet you haven’t seen yet this week -- and we think you’ll enjoy them and maybe find them useful in your own work in health justice in the age of COVID-19.


workers waiting for vaccination

Kaethe offered up an article on a topic of which those who work with low-paid migrant and immigrant workers already know: “Lack of Paid Leave Could Be Preventing People from Getting COVID-19 Vaccines, Experts Say.”

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People gathered outside

Laz shared an interesting review of the CDC's position on the outdoor risk of COVID-19 over time, from the New York Times’ Morning newsletter.

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Illustration of pregnant woman with covid virus on top

Laz also forwarded on the sobering article, “Why Is the Virus Killing So Many Pregnant Women in India?

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A woman dancing bomba

Myrellis (in our Puerto Rico office) shared a ten-minute video on the history of Bomba y Plena, music from Puerto Rico: “Why Puerto Rican Bomba Music Is Resistance.

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A photo of a person receiving a vaccine

Weekly Win: HRSA shared the good news that more than 10 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered at community health centers, with 61% of those provided to racial and ethnic minorities. Read more about one health center's efforts in the Central Valley of California: “How Community Health Centers Helped Reach National 10M Dose Milestone.”



Have a safe and healthy weekend!


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